Thursday, April 23, 2009

Giada's Orzo Stuffed Peppers

I'm taking dinner to a friend tonight, so I wanted something that wouldn't require a lot of hands-on work since I'm running food over to them once the husband gets home. I had originally slated Red Beans and Rice for dinner tonight since it's in the crockpot and would be put together ahead of time. I ran out of time this morning to get everything ready, and the recipe says it needs five hours on high, and, well, now we'd be eating way too late if I started working on it now. So I'll bump that to another night instead. I had this down for a dinner later in the week. I had extra pepper filling the last time I made this, so all I need to do is take that out of the freezer then stuff the peppers and bake them. Nice. here's the original post:

Giada's Orzo Stuffed Peppers

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