Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Lentil Burritos

We were running kind of low on funds this week until the husband gets paid on Monday, so I wanted to plan dinners based on what we had here or that didn't require buying a lot of groceries. I did pretty well because I spent $20 less than I usually do, although I didn't realize how low on coffee we were, so I may need to make a stop so I'm not a zombie in the next few days.

Anyway, the last time I made these I only used half of the lentil/rice filling, so all I needed to buy for these were the tortillas, which I wanted to buy anyway because I like to have breakfast burritos in the morning. I really didn't plan a side dish with this, but I'll probably heat up some kind of frozen vegetable.

Lentil Burritos

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