I've never cooked a brisket before, but I remembered that Pioneer Woman had a recipe on her website, so I decided that's the one I'd make. It was really easy which I liked since I was already a little intimidated going up against Steve the BBQ-master!
Instead of pasting PW's recipe, I'll just give you the link to her page on it. Then you can see all her awesome pictures, too.
Pioneer Woman's Brisket
It was really good, although I was a bit concerned when I took the pan out of the fridge to put it in the oven and discovered the marindade was gelatinous which kind of grossed me out. Who am I kidding...it really grossed me out. But I put it in the oven anyway, and was so pleased with the results!! I think I calculated mine would need roughly three hours, but it ended up needing quite a bit more, I'd say it was at least 30 or 40 minutes until it was fork tender and separated easily.
I don't think it really compared to Steve's, but for my first attempt it was pretty darn good. I also made some Rick Bayless recipes to go along with the brisket, but thsoe will be in their own posts. Did you know his family owned a barbecue joint while he was growing up? What can't that man do?! Back to brisket, I don't know what Steve did to his brisket but it was pretty darn amazing. Of course his could have had a lot to do with the grade of meat he was using.
Brisketfest ended up being quite the feast. Two briskets, homemade barbecue sauce, homemade baked beans, cornbread, potato salad, coleslaw, and of course Shiner Bock beer in honor of our Texas dinner. My mom made the potato salad (red potatoes, ranch dressing, and bacon...yum!) and coleslaw (it had pineapple in it...I need to get the recipe from her because it was really good and a cool twist on coleslaw).
Brisket in its marinade:

See what I mean about gelatinous? Kind of gross.

Steve's brisket (I wish I could stick a fork in my computer screen and eat some more of it):

My brisket:

My Brisketfest 2010 plate:

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