We had dinner at a restaurant connected to the book store and then headed over to get in our spot in line an hour before the event was to start...only to find out that our tickets really meant nothing because at the last minute they had changed to giving seats in order of people in line, not the letter group on our tickets (which, by the way, we were in the B group and pretty darn excited about it). We filed through the store and got to the seating area to find that pretty much every seat was taken. Thankfully Jen is pregnant with twins, and she loves to play the pregnancy card whenever given the chance (honestly, when I was pregnant, so did I). She's only around 21 weeks, but since it's twins she looks a lot further along. She quickly found a store employee and said, "Hey, I'm eight months pregnant, there is no way I can stand this whole time. I need two seats." Said employee immediately began looking for seats for us and found two--in the third row! Awesome. Way to go Jen!! We felt pretty good about the somewhat con she had pulled, but it was only a partial lie since she is pregnant, just not as far along as she said.
The event was PACKED. I couldn't believe how many people were there. At 7:00 PW came out and was just as funny in person as she is on her website. She joked about wearing Spanx and said that as a blogger she wasn't really comfortable talking in front of people, so why didn't we ask her questions. Some of them were kind of lame. Jen got one in and asked why she doesn't ever use a slow cooker. The best question, however, was from a little girl who was probably about the same age as the boy. She said really loudly, "Hey Ree?" and PW said, "Yes, honey?" and the girl asked if she had elephants. PW (and the entire audience) laughed, and said she never knew until that moment that her life was missing an elephant. It was so sweet.
Following the Q&A session was the book signing. Honestly I thought we were going to be there most of the night. The signing was done by letter group, but between A and B they had anyone with kids under the age of four go so that they could get home. Jen and I were almost wishing we had taken our little bobos so we could get in line sooner...plus we figured since our three year olds would probably be atrocious, everyone would have let us go to the front of the line. We did play Jen's pregnancy card one more time to get in at the back of the kids line as other preggos had been told they could join that group. It didn't make a whole lot of difference because the woman in line behind us was the start of B group.
PW was so nice in person. We obviously didn't get a whole lot of time to chat with her as there were so many people, but we did get our pictures taken with her. I also asked a question I didn't have a chance to during the Q&A. She's posted a few recipes from a binder of recipes she "borrowed" from her mom. They've been fantastic, so I asked if she still had the binder and would be posting more recipes from it. She said she had given it back but did keep some recipes from it.
It was such a fun night and so great to see that PW is really as fun and laidback in person as she comes across on her website.
PW at the podium

Jen chatting it up with PW about being pregnant with twins (or at least I think that's what they were talking about)

Jen and PW

Me and PW

1 comment:
You look so cute with Ree! I'm glad you commented and said hello. It was fun to hear your account of the event. I couldn't believe how packed it was- so fun!
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